Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Mom must really love me!

Mom just had this tattoo done of my paw print! Now that is love!!!! She just did it a couple hours ago and hasn't been able to clean it up yet.

She made me step on packing tape (which was NOT fun) and then she traced my little print onto paper.

Megan at Galaxy Ink in Ashland put it on for her.

Mom says this way I will be with her always. Where am I going?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Book is Done!

Mom finished my book today. It tells all about my rough beginning and how I came to live with my mom.

All in all, a very facinating tale!

I can't wait to see the printed version!

Here is the cover. Isn't that little guy soooo cute?!

This is one of my favorite pages...I have quite a few. Again, way too adorable for words. (why be modest when you are this cute?)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Christmas is coming

I need to go shopping but money is tight this year and Mom won't give me her credit card. (I shop online...I'm an indoor baby, remember?!)

So, I came up with this great idea, I am writing a book....about me!

It will be a children's book and I am going to have it printed and give it to all my friends for Christmas.

Here is page one:

He sure is adorable isn't he. :-)